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Brecks Lane, Kippax

This page shows Brecks Lane in Kippax. There are a other places called "Brecks Lane" in the Leeds area. To see a list please go to the main Brecks Lane page.


Andrew R Tasker

Andrew R Tasker is a firm of French polishers who create a high gloss finish on wood surfaces such as furniture.

Address: 26 Brecks Lane, Kippax, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS25 7EG

Reviews of Establishments on Brecks Lane

Find out what people are saying about places on Brecks Lane.

Strawberries - review of Brecks Farm by Anonymous

I have never been to Brecks farm , but today I bought strawberries from their farm on Garforth main street ... More »

Contacting - review of Brecks Farm by JIMMY

Trying to get them to answer the phone here is a nightmere.I have tried all times of day and still no reply. All i wanted was to find out when the raspberries were... More »


Map showing Brecks Lane in Leeds.
