A review of R K Harris & Sons by S.hill written on Friday 15th of June 2012
Normally I spend about £15 - £20 on fruit and veg and I only go to sainburys because I find it's good quality and it last longer I went to this greengrocers yesterday spent £7 got most of my vegetables for the week and got so many tomatoes and so cheaply too I made my own tomato, mushroom and oregano sauce for the first time and OMG I could have eaten it all!!!!! I think I had an epiphany lol butchers is right next door and I normally pay £6 for 4 chicken filets from sainsburys or the co-op and there normally just filled with water but u can save your self a little bit of money and get 10 filets for £13 and minus the swimming chicken filets!!! and if u can't wait to go home and eat the best hangover cure is a few shops down crunchys sandwiches £3 for a massive panini and so friendly it is a toss up between KFC and crunchys but stick with your local shops and they will treat you right .
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