A review of Asda Stores Ltd by Pamela jones written on Thursday 5th of April 2012
Asdas £5 promoshion thay have at the moment is not good, if you dont have a laptop or computer you have to go in store and that takes half an hour if there is not a long line of people with the same idea and if you go before 1030 you will not get it because the staff havnt come in, well asda not everyone has a laptop or computer and not everyone has 30 min to waste trying to get your £5 why carnt you make life easyer and just give it at the till like other shops, lots of people are lousing out on your promotion all because you want it doing on line and why should we have to pay for a phone call to do it that way, its not a good way to promote your shop you are upsetting a lot of people because thay loose out think of a better way to promote your shop.
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