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"Amaxing school!!!"

A review of Farnley Park High School by Year 7 student CAA written on Thursday 13th of October 2011


Farnley Park Maths and Computing collage is an amazing high school! I am a year 7 student it is my 6th week at this school and all ready i am loving it! If I could improve anything about Farnley Park High School it would be having a one way system in the science block. because the main block and the tecnology block all have a one way system and going up and down the stairs is horrible but you as a student will probably not have alot of lessons in that block, I only have 3 lessons up flights of stairs but i have tecnology down stairs sothat is ok for me!! If you are3 considering sending your child to this school then i would recomend it and if you are a student and want to come o this school then i say it is an ace school and you will make lots of friends very quickly! I hope you liked my review and take in what i have said..

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Farnley Park High School

Map showing Farnley Park High School on Chapel Lane
