A review of The Garden Surgery by Maria marlowe written on Thursday 17th of February 2011
The premium tel number is ridiculously expensive - especially when you have to wait in a queue for upto 15 minutes at the beginning of the day. Then the receptionist asking why you want to see the doctor. If you want an appointment on the same day you have to tell her (I just want to answer personal) but the stupid triage system means that the receptionist puts you on a list so that a doctor can ring you back later in the day to see if you actually need to see a doctor!!!??!!
If you're like me and sometimes need to see the doctor but also are still at work (because not everyone can just take time off) - then getting through to the receptionist when you tell her that the doctor isn't able to ring you back and discuss your ailments because you can't speak at work is a nightmare. To be honest I have finished up arguing this point with the receptionist til she's finally given in and just put me through to the doctor there and then. To sum up - the triage system is pointless, a waste of time - and discriminatory to people who need treatment but also have to work!!!.
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