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"Great school"

A review of Morley Elmfield Infant & Nursery School by Mr John Hayward written on Friday 4th of February 2011


I was at Morley Elmfield Infant school from 1963- 1967. The teachers were lovely, and so were the dinner ladies. Mrs Shaw was my teacher, when she retired all her class had their picture taken with her. i still saw her on a regular basis, as she lived opposite us.Mrs Brownrigg was one of the dinner ladies.the things i remember most are the Terrapins that the school had. Every summer holiday we got to take them home, to feed them and look after them.At the nativity plays everyone wanted to be one of the thrre kings, this is because the jewels on the crowns were made of fruit gums. Come the night of the play there were no jewels left, because we had eaten them. happy, joyous, simple days..

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Morley Elmfield Infant & Nursery School

Map showing Morley Elmfield Infant & Nursery School on Bridge Street
