A review of Sunuser Ltd by Roy Cromack written on Friday 29th of October 2010
We had a Sunuser hot water system fitted in Feb 02. We had reservations about the pressure selling and discounted completely the salesman's preposterous claim that the system would pay for itself in three or four years, but we went ahead anyway. Until the beginning of October 2010, the system has worked well although the Five Year Service charge, over £90 for less than half an hour's work seemed high.
On 1 Oct we discovered that the hot water tank had developed a leak, well outside the guarantee period but a very short life for a tank of this type. Sunuser were only interested in extracting £600+ from us so that they could order a new tank from the manufacturer; they don't carry spares. They couldn't find details of our tank on record so it was lucky that our plumber could e-mail them the details. We were charged over £500 for fitting, about four hours work for one man, and had to wait ten days for the replacement tank to be fitted, and that only after badgering them. Had we needed to turn off our water, we could have been without for up to a fortnight for all they cared.
So, if you are thinking of buying a solar hot water system from Sunuser, factor in a sum of about £1200 for a replacement tank which may be needed after only a few years to your financial calculations..
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