A review of Tingley Bar Fisheries by Jen aged 11 written on Thursday 29th of April 2010
I was dizzy with excitment the first time i went to tingley fish bar. my mum and dad had been on a romantic dinner for two there and came home telling tales of wonderful staff and delicious fish and chips. so i went. the atmosphere as soon as i walked in hit me as a friendly wonderful enviroment. the waitresses sat us down staright away and soon enough brought a massive plate of steaming fish and chips towardsm us. almost immediatly my mouth started drooling at the sight of it. it wasn't anywhere near as good as that at the fish shop. i clearded my entire plateful.
on 22nd april 2010 i went again but this time as i walked in the atmosphere felt diffrent. last time the sound of people chatting echoed through the vast buliding but this time it was quiet with only one person sat at a tiny table. this man came and sat us down and gave us bread and butter. just then.......
ok my mum says i shouldn't write all the gory deatails so lets just say that a fight broke out in the kitchen. there was shouting screaming banging you know the sort. we hurried out side the woman with her baby who had been sat at the table opposite us stood by our side and whisperd "i'm sorry " the row could still be heard outside. it had obviously changed hands
we scurried towards the mermaid just up the road
as we walked in people laughing and chatting made me tingle with delight we'd found a restraunt at last i thourugly enjoyed it there
i'm not saying tingley fish bar isn't a nice place it's lovley it's the managment i blame for spoiling my night out.
anyway we've got over it now. whenever the topic crawls into a conversation we just laugh about it!
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