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Reviews of Leeds Hedgehog Sanctuary

On this page you will find reviews of Leeds Hedgehog Sanctuary. If you would like to add your own review, please do so using the Add a Review button.


8 people have reviewed this business

  • Wrong information given go elsewhere by Anonymous

    This was the only hedgehog help I could find with a telephone number so rang for advice about a hedg... More»

  • No longer operating as a sanctuary or for advice by Jan

    I phoned this number for advice as I’d found a baby 🦔 and was given the number of a cu... More»

  • Out of DATE ADVICE by Anonymous

    This rescue is closed and any advice she gives is massively out of date and in fact dangerous. Look ... More»

  • CLOSED by Hedgehog

    RETIRED YEARS AGO. Please search hedgehog rescues instead.... More»

  • CLOSED by Hedgehog

    RETIRED YEARS AGO. Please search hedgehog rescues instead.... More»

  • Closed by Hedgehogs

    Shut down a long time ago. Go to other rescues for help... More»

  • Really Helpful by Francesca

    I called them late at night after my dog attacked a hedgehog and they directed me in the right place... More»

  • No longer a sanctuary! by Paula Kidd

    Gave helpful advice after our terriers attacked a hedgehog. I didn't want to let it go until I was s... More»

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